5G相關技術、概念及應用場景 (3) - Next Generation Core (NGC or 5G Core Network)
Core-Network Evaluation 這篇我們來講一講核心網路(Core Network)的演進 CUPS 為了擺脫專用硬件,增加Operator在服務的擴增和傳輸設備擴建上的彈性,降低CAPEX以及OPEX,我們在現有的核心網路(EPC)中引進了SDN的概念,將Control Plane和Data plane進行分離,3GPP把他稱為CUPS:Control and User Plane Separation,CUPS可以有以下的特性/優勢: Reducing Latency on application service, e.g. by selecting User plane nodes which are closer to the RAN or more appropriate for the intended UE usage type without increasing the number of control plane nodes. Supporting Increase of Data Traffic, by enabling to add user plane nodes without changing the number of SGW-C, PGW-C and TDF-C in the network. Locating and Scaling the CP and UP resources of the EPC nodes independently. Independent evolution of the CP and UP functions. Enabling Software Defined Networking to deliver user plane data more efficiently. 3GPP於2017年6月的CT#76會議上,完成Release 14的CUPS標準,CPUS主要針對的Component為核網中的S-GW、P-GW以及TDF, 下圖 是經過CUPS後的S-GW、P-GW以及TDF-C,新增了三個Sx介面。 其實核心網路一直以來的演進,都是朝向CUPS的方向, 下圖 是從3GPP R6到R8的核網架...